Tutorial for Minecraft Survival discussing key considerations when looking for a place to start building your first permanent structure: a lookout tower. Subscribe for more: www.youtube.com BLOG: paulsoaresjr.com TWITTER twitter.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com FAQ: www.youtube.com Get Minecraft here: minecraft.net Want more Minecraft Secrets? Get the "Survival Guide"! http
Great job awesome series bro
I miss ALPHA!!!
@therealawesomeness33 the seed would not work because it was minecraft alpha when he recorded this
Anyone else see the minecraft man tree?
Omg plz tell me seed
i was a really big fan of yours but this video just put you on my dislike list.but just for the record i watch every single minecraft dad video from 1 to 85 and i liked all of them and tell minecraft mom i wish her good luck
im a biiiiiiiiig fan of yours kipe going
@MRJACKSMALZZ ww w(dot)paulsoaresjr(dot)com THERE you can download his world, also his Season 2′s world :3
Thnx these tutorials really help me get started
don’t know why I find a village..
Thx for the tutorials. They really help me!
minecraft tests your flexibility, sometimes you may prefer your map to be a certain way, well that ain’t happening.
@usonutube2011 thanks!!
i havent tried it yet but thanks
what seed are you on?
make your videos in HD
@SeaBoyProductions A prety good seed is “222223333444″
@MRJACKSMALZZ There is one
how do u make ur world green n nice mine is sht n icy
@SeaBoyProductions and i keep gettingthem but this one has like no trees and its snowy and there are only chickens
@jakeaustin19 mine often like that to xD
@SeaBoyProductions mines always snowy and there are way to many trees!